Wednesday, February 24, 2010

PX90 SUCK IT!!!!

We have all seen the commercials, 90 days and you will look like this...blah blah blah. Brian and I started talking that we really need to do something to get our beach bodies before we hit the sandy beaches of Hawaii. So that fool orders the PX90. I start getting excited, cuz maybe my dream of being a male strip dancer, or be a part of 'Thunder from down under' will actually come true. I'm sitting here thinking, this can't be that bad. Yes, it's going to hurt and I'm going to have to push myself, but I'm used to the gym. I'm used to lifting weights and being active...kinda. WELL.... I was so wrong it wasn't even funny. First problem of the evening were our girl scoot cookies came in the same day as PX90. So while I'm reading what I'm about to put my body through, I decide I need to eat a whole tray of cookies. Way to start it off Matt! Just as sound nom nom nom fills the living room, I read, 'GET RID OF THE JUNK' For a minute I thought the book had been watching what I was going and waited for just the right time to spring that on me. Brian gets home and we put in disc 1. I about fell the hell out. Push ups and pull ups! WTF...that's what you're going to start us off at. I'm screwed. I have never had that much upper body strength. Push ups are always been my arch nemesis. Well dammit, I'm doing it tonight or so I thought.

Now for a second, lets compare brian and I. I have some big ass arms, I'm a big guy. I start thinking that he is going to struggle with this. I don't think I have EVER been more wrong in my life. That boy is doing push ups like it's a normal thing, while I'm struggling doing girl push ups! Then I guess to make me feel less of a man, he starts doing girl push ups as well, just to give himself a break! I was very impressed with him, until he said "see told you I was crappy."

So first night was an hour of push ups, all different ways. mine all girl push ups...don't laugh, it's still hard to do. We did about 100 push ups, didn't do the pull ups because we don't have the equipment for that. Then to top it off, there is a 16 minute 'Ab Ripper X' REALLY...DO YOU SEE HOW FAT I AM!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't able to really do many of the ripper stuff because of my muffin top kept getting in they. Last night I got about 4 hours of sleep because my arms hurt so bad. Today when I had to take my blood pressure meds, I just laid them on the counter and face planted on to the counter to take them. There's no using my arms today.

Tonight is an hour long lower body work out...not sure how many of them I will be able to do because of the knee. And yes if you have bad knees, PX90 is not for you. It clearly states that in the beginning. Pray for me please!!


  1. correction to my's P90X

  2. My favorite part of this blog is that you had to face plant into the counter to take your medicine. I haven't laughed that hard in a while!!

  3. hahaha! I've heard P90X is intense and I plan on using it to get my post baby body back to the pre baby body. You know what they say no pain no gain!
