Monday, June 21, 2010

Dear Ghetto

Mr Ghetto,

I want to thank you for manking my drive to and from work a colorful one. I want to say how honored I am to see the commentment you have to your fans. The intavative ways tricking out a corola are breathe takening. When the rims cost more than the car, that is pure brilince. My favorite, which is got to exprience today is the snaggled tooth, gold grill teeth that cut me off several times without a blinker.

I know the honda he was driving was probably stolen and that was the need for the speed as all the young kids say now days. My only wish when he almost took off the front of my truck was that he used a blinker. I would have given him the finger, but since I figured he was still packin the heat from just jacking the car, I decided not to. Instead Mr. Ghetto, I give you the finger.

Please Mr. Ghetto, die!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Weight Watchers....FOR MEN

No really it is for Men, at least that's I was told. Actually I think they add "for men" on just so us guys will be ok doing WW. Well I started this Hell June 1 and so far so good. I have started creating games to play. Example. The vacuuming game, vacuum the same spot for 20 minutes and I get 4 activity points...oh yeah. Doing how house work for 3 hours game, that's 16 activity points. You ask what are activity points, well those are points when I want to drink a lot of beer, they let me. I have an set amount of weekly points (35) and then daily points (39). Well if I'm bad and go over my daily points, it comes out of my weekly points. Well if I want to drink beer, I gotta make sure I have about 30 points. Lite Beer (miller lite) is 2 points a beer. So like I said I need 30 plus points for a good night, less then that I just don't fell like I have put much effort into my drinking. And do you know WW does not count sex as a point available activity!!! I'm just saying, there is some work that goes into that and I think you should get points. I can say that it does work, I have been losing weight, I don't eat the same amount of food as a small football team, and I do work out more or I'm at least more active. So if you're thinking about it, do it.