Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 2 of no soda

I'm feeling fine. The effects of my poor choices haven't kicked in. So far I have managed to escape the headaches and lack of energy. I fear that life is about to get rough once my body realizes that it's not getting caffeine...well it's not getting a lot of caffeine. It's de-cafe tea, water, or milk. I learned yesterday that Lent kind of screws with you. It's really 46 days, instead of 40. I wouldn't have signed on to do this if I had known that it was going to be an extra 6 days. Crazy ass Catholics! I have read/heard stories of people getting the shakes, sweating like crazy, and their head exploding. Please pray for me, for I have taken a dangerous challenge that I might not make it back from.

On a lighter note, I'M GOING TO HAWAII!!! I'm getting more excited about it. At first I wasn't excited at all. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, but it's just not that high on my list of places to go. So me, Brian, and a friend of ours, Amanda are going. Amanda is BBrian's bff. I just want to go see a volcano. That way I can mark that off my 'Natural disasters I have seen' list. I have tornado and hurricane. But a volcano...sweet. Next I need to live through an earth quake and a blizzard. I wonder if those two things will ever happen in Texas. No Dallas people, I'm not talking about a Texas Blizzard, I'm talking about a true blue blizzard. Where the snow drifts cover your door blizzard!

Peace out to my growing followers. Once I get 50 followers, I'm going to start collecting money from everyone to purchase a compound out in the country. More details to follow...

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