Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Folgers in my cup

Morning coffee, check. Drinking some one's brew, check. This morning I'm in the break room washing my cup of coffee, my usual morning routine. Usually I don't really worry about which pot it's coming out of. Some people will only drink out of a freshly brewed pot of coffee, others will just grab a pot no matter how long it has been sitting on the warmer. Well this morning I wanted the fresh brew coffee. Now my coffee cup is about 16oz of pure creamer and sweetener, with a touch of coffee in it. Some call it coffee milk, some call it mud...whatever, that's how my Papaw made it and that's how I like...

So this morning I go and feel up my cup and I have my fixin's in it. Well two people walk in and were like "Matt did you get our Folgers...yep, well I hope you like it, you got enough" My cup was full. So I apologized but then I got to thinking...why did you walk off while you were brewing your own coffee...dumb ass! So that's kind of what you get for being a dumb ass...hope you enjoy brewing some more. So don't get mad at me because you're a dumb ass. To be honest with you, I really taste a difference between you're coffee and the coffee that the office provides you. So you're just wasting your time and because you're an idiot, and I took your coffee! Yes I did get enough and waking up is easy to do with Folgers in your cup. Granted I have been awake since five this morning!

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