Monday, September 28, 2009

Life Choices

At what point in life does a person go from being spontaneous to overly stable? I used to be severly spontaneous, almost to a fault. I used to be all about the "life story". I would do something just say I did it. Never really giving thought to the outcome, or how many times Sadie was going to have to take jogging class because of my..."hey get in the truck, road trip!" Stuff like that I used to do all the time, granted I didn't have a morrage, a truck payment each month, and I didn't have to really work for my spending money. Now I don't even like to put gas in my tank because I don't like to see my bank account go down. I always think twice about going somewhere because that's money I really don't have to spend. Grown up life sucks sometimes. I'm not saying I hate my life or that it's not fun. We find ways to have a great time without spending a lot of money, but it's times when I need to make a huge life choice or a decision that could/would effect my life and my families life that I have a hard time with now. I have gotten to a point where I'm to scared to step out of that comfort zone now, because I'm affaird that it will effect my stability. Now I'm not saying that being stable is bad, but when you're TO stable, to the point where you caution on the side of NOT doing something, that's when it might be a problem. I remember a time when I was scared to be stable because I knew it would be boring. I just wish I could get back to a happy balance of stability and spontaneity. Maybe that's something I can work on next year...I need to plan this out.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are still spontaneous but with a side of caution!
