Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 1

So last night I had a talk with myself about me smoking. For a while now I have known that I have had an issue with high blood pressure. So I had started to take steps to correct that, and for a while it was actually doing pretty good. Well now that I haven't been about to really get out and exercise, my weight and my blood pressure has gone up. So last Friday I go in to have my knee worked on and several people have told me that I'm going to either have a stroke or heartattack at a very young age because of my blood pressure. Well smoking helps to raise that BP up. So I decided that I need to get serious about not smoking. The best thing I could come up with that would help motivate me is, "do it for my son". So starting today I'm going to stop smoking. I'm going to try my damndest to stop smoking. I will more than likely have to go get the gym but I'm going to give this a shot. While I'm doing this I'm going to blog about it. That way I can get my mind off the cravings and keep my hands busy. it's going to be hard to quit though because brian will have cigs here at the house. Even now as I write about quitting, my getting anxious about it and want to go outside and have a puff.
Hopefully my "do it for your son" campaine will pay off. I figured why not try to be around just a little longer and have that time with my family. I don't want to have a stroke at in my 40's, hell I'm already going to have to jacked up knee...why not try and prevent something that I have the power to change. Since today is 9-9-9, there might be some magic left in there for me to quit smoking.

Stay tuned...i'm sure that once this fully kicks in, it's going to be a bitch.

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