Tuesday, September 8, 2009

30 years

So I should have started this back in Jan. when I turned 30. That way I could have blogged throughout the year. It's been a year for many first in my life. Yeah it's been one of those years, and the sad thing is, it's not even over.

As most of you guys know, Brian and I are adopting and we just got our certificates in the mail last week. It's kind of cool though, except I would have thought our child credit was better than just 2 kids. I guess CPS only sees us fit to adopt 2 kids...for now. It's been an interesting ride through the adoption classes and all the "stupid" stuff you need to do to get a child. --let me just stop this now to point out that Chris is an ass-- Back to the adoption story, now all that's left is getting a case working and starting the process in finding the right child for us.
I'm excited about being a father, I don't think there is another greater joy in life then being a father...well unless you're the mom but last time I checked I didn't have the equipment. I'm excited about passing down the values and morals that my family taught me to my son. I'm excited about having someone to rough house with...brian isn't much fun because I"m stronger than he is. haha. I'm also very excited about bringing a child into my family. I have the greatest aunts and uncles. An amazing mom and dad, and a Grandmother that is probably going to be a Saint when it's her time. Then after you get past that, I have brothers, sisters, and cousins that are second to none. So I look forward to bringing my son into a wonderful family.

Another first was seperate vacations for Brian and I. He went to Prague and I went to Ireland. It was fun to go but it really made us realize that things like that are best to share with each other...however, I got to go with my cousin and had the best time ever. Next time will be a hard choice between Brian or Sam.

So got the adoption story down and the traveling story down, the last big event of the 2009 year was my grandmother getting cancer. Now if you know my family, then there is a chance...strong chance that you know my Grandmother. You probably only know her as Granny happy, the beer drinking grilled cheese making crazy lady from Teague. Well around the first part of the year she found out she had cancer. That sent the family into a frenzy. My aunt Mandi went event planner on us, my aunt Trudy prayed, Uncle Joe and Keith just drank more amounts of beers and my mom and I cried. Hey that's our roles in the family. To make really long story short...OMG why does this old ass lady, that KNOWS better, continue to talk with her mouth FULL OF FOOD, ghetto ass...sorry back to the story. So now we're almost through with 2009 and Granny is still with us and we have all settled into just drinking more. One of the reasons I love my family is because the moment something happens, the calling tree is activated and within ten minutes everyone knows and we're all on the way to be with one another.

So even though the first half of my 30th year has been eventful, the rest of it should be the greatest time in my life. I can't wait for it.

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