Thursday, November 19, 2009

when big brother knows...he knows

I'm not going to say that I'm right ALL the time...99% is more like it. I was 100% correct about this. So my sister, my pride and joy, the girl that can do no wrong, the apple of my eye kind of stuff, got her first boyfriend a while back. Now I'm freaking out because she isn't old enough to date. She should still be that goofy little redded girl that liked to play dress up and barbies. I guess I blinked and she grew up. So she is dating this little boy and she is all excited. The phone either glued to her ear while both of them listened to each other breathe, because for the life of me I can't figure out what all they could have talked about. Or her fingers speed texting 150 words per minute.

The big day comes when I get to meet this boy. My mom dropped me and my cousin off at the baseball game where this kid was playing and jayme was watching. My cousin Sam and I thought it would be funny to embarrass her and we did a good job of it. Sam was all about his sling shot that night. So the game ends and bam it's introduction time. My sister walks over with this guy, and I just smell was a combo smell of tool and douch. The boy didn't even look at me when he said "sup" and half heartedly shook my hand. That was the first red flag this guy was a complete and utter waste of my sisters time. When you go to shake someone's hand, you look them in the eyes and you grip.

So to make a long story short, I find out the boy has been talking trash about my family. Ok big deal, I'm sure it's nothing we all haven't heard before. But then the kicker comes out. I'm very protective of my sister. I will kill you if you look at her wrong, but I'm also protective of my brother, even though he could take care of himself. As the big brother, I feel that it's my job. I kind of feel sad for Jayme because she has two big brothers. I have watched both these two group up, time has been vested in them. I would do anything for all my siblings. Oh and let me throw in my sister-in-law. She is awesome, so my umbrella of protection has been extended to her. I suddenly feel very mobster!!!! Sorry got side tracked

Anyways what really pissed me off was this douche was talking trash about something in my brother's past and who knows what he was saying about my sister. It's probably a good thing I don't know. I think my brother is polishing his brass nuckles, that fool is going to see the shine before the lights go out...haha. My only concern is that he better never lay a finger on my sister. like I told her if he ever hurts her, I'm going to be feeding his nut sack to his mother, and then I'm going to position myself as head bitch to the most powerful person in prison.

I'm way to pretty to last long in prison alone. But if protecting my family is how I get there, I'm cool with that.