Monday, November 16, 2009

Life lesson 138

Ok life lesson 138 has to do with eating. twice this has happened to me in the last two weeks. Have you ever either cooked something that was unspeakably good or had something made for you that was like licking heaven? Well both of those things have happened.

First it was one chilly night and I decided we needed Frito chili pies for dinner. I don't know if it was just the fresh corn chips or a really good batch of chili or the double layer of cheese, but everything just molded together to become the best FCP I have ever had the pleasure of eating. The first bowl went down WAY to smooth and fast. My stomach was lying to me when it growled again for food. Now that I think about it, that might have just been a bowel movement. My body was making room for what was about to happen next. So I decided that I needed another bowl, of the same size as the first one. That was mistake number one! So I'm on the couch with my second bowl and make mistake number two! I continue to eat this awesome heavenly treat even though my tummy is yelling NO MORE. Finally I have to put the bowl on the other end of the table just so I can't reach it...I threw up that night...FCP doesn't really sound so good anymore!!!

Second time was last night. Aunt Mandi made my absolute favorite dish, other than meatball con queso...oh that brings up another time...NEVER EAT 25+ MEATBALLS COVERED IN CHEESE!! You will find yourself in a food coma. So back to Aunt Mandi's Meatloaf, so I talk her into making me some over the weekend. She cooks me TWO loafs! OMG, I'm in food heaven! I'm about to tear into one of these loafs like a...I don't know but it wasn't going to be pretty. So to make a long story short...After I took out most of the first pan, I wasn't feeling to pretty, in fact i wasn't feeling anything past my waist for a couple of hours.

So life's lesson 138, unless you want to be happily miserable, learn to push the plate away after one plate!

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