Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vacation grade - Hawaii

I haven't made it a secret as to where I was going. So I figured I would at least do everyone a favor and grade my trip, that way if you are thinking about going you can use this to make up your mind. You know because all of you give to rat's asses as to what I really think.

So my Grade will be based on a few things.

Quality of travel - B (See reasoning below)
Landscape - A
Activities available and taken - A
Price - F
Total Grade - C+

I think those four things will be a good launching point for this

QoT - We went to the big Island in Hawaii. We had a straight fly from Houston to Honolulu. It's 8.5 hour fly. We flew first class, and seriously that's the only way to go. Seriously if you can upgrade it's well worth the money. Just the Appitizer was lobster tails and a salad...SERIOUSLY. I had lobster tail and white wine! Then I had a beef dinner and a hot fudge sunday. Then in Honolulu we jumped on a puddle jumper to the big island, it's a 30-40 minute flight. The juice was ok but not cold, it was a let down because I was actually thristy. Now we're on the big Island and the local cabs will rip you off. It's cheaper to rent a car for 4 days than it is for two taxi rides...LET THIS BE A WARNING!!! Get a car. Just know that if you get a convertable and go to the Hilo side of the mountain, chances are it's going to rain on you...another warning. Going home was in coach and it was a bitch.

Landscape - well look it's Hawaii, it's a given it's going to be beautiful. There were places that looked straight out of the movie Avatar...NO LIE. The weather were we stayed was perfect just about everyday.

Activities - There is one huge downfall to the activities on in Hawaii. Unless you're going to puddle jump to other islands you're kind of limited to what you can do on the island. We went to the volcano and akaka falls. Two of the major attractions on the big island. I will blog more about that in a different blog.

Price - Ok the price of stuff really sucks. Hawaii isn't a cheap place. If you see Roy's bar and grill, be prepared to spend about 100-150+ if you have a four top (that's four people sitting at a table). We about fell out. Everything else is very very pricy there so you can only imagen what my grade is on this. I found the freshest diet Dr. Pepper there for 2.18...that was an expense I was proud to make.

So there you have folks. My total Grade was a C+. For the amount of money you have to spend on travel and hotel just isn't really worth it. We even had someone with us that had Mairriot points so we didn't have to pay for our hotel and I think the place was way to pricy. So save that money and go to the Carribean to an all inclusive hotel. Cheaper and you get the same palm trees, crystal clear waters, and pretty beaches. So you might not get to see a volcano, build your own and pretend.

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