Friday, April 2, 2010

Gay/Straight bible fights

You don't know how funny I think this is. It's amazing how both sides are so well armed with scripture that they miss a HUGE factor. Does no one else see that using the bible to judge is COMPLETELY the wrong way to use the bible? I'm just saying. I have blogged about this before. Why does it matter any more? What is the big difference? If you really stop and look at the people that really worry about gay people and and the people that DON'T really care, there is a HUGE difference. For the most part, it's all old people. Oh wait I just judged all old people. Plus I get tired of listening to both side try and push their agenda on each other. live and let live. Give everyone equal rights and everyone can start minding their own damn business. I don't care what happens in my neighbor's house, as long as you don't drive your car through my house, we're cool.

It's pretty clear that the picketing, yelling, fighting, and all the other crap both sides are doing isn't working. I love how everyone is trying to hard to get their point across that no one sees, it's not working. Stop yelling and trying to force the issue. Be civil and respectful towards one another and see where that guys you. You will catch more flies with honey then vinegar!

Oh and the "if we let gays marry, then we have to let people marry their pet" -- dude really. Did you just fall out of your single wide trailer door and think that one up? If you can't can't come up with a better argument, shut the hell up. That has to be one of the worst arguments to lead with. I mean there is only so much stupid an argument can handle and that statement alone pretty much does it.

So people stop worrying about what others are doing and get on with your life.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't matter to me what you do in your bedroom. I do find it interesting, though.
