Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Knocked down a peg or two.

Yesterday will go down as one of the worst days, at least to me. Actually it was pretty funny, but even still, yesterday was a very dark day for Matthew... This adventure started about two weeks with some funky rash on my love handle, actually it's like love tire store, but whatever. So after two weeks I decide that I should go to the doctor and get it checked out. First I wanted to see if I could figure out what it was that I had growing on my side. Webmd here I come!! That site is the DEVIL! By the time I got off that site I had canceraidsmalaria bumps and I should just make peace with my maker because I wasn't going to live past 3:43 that afternoon. So I schedule an appointment for the doctors office, but couldn't get in until Tuesday Dec 1. So I was like great if I make it to 3:45 then I will be able to make it to my appointment. I had also planned on talking to the doctor about a few other things...weight lose, stop smoking, and my high blood pressure.
Tuesday comes and it's time for my appointment. Doctor comes in, no bed side manners at all. It's all business. So she looks at my bumps and throws out several names but then says she can't tell because it's all dried up. Then gives me a general antibiotic just to cover everything, hell I could have saved the money and taken all the other crap I had and cleared it up. But the real fun part started when we started talking about my high blood pressure. Yeah both times I was checked yesterday it was around 140/105. Yeah how great is that for a 30 year old. So she is like, well you're going die. (not really but that's what I heard) She asked me about working out, and was telling me about seriously changing my diet...(again really bad news) and what all has to start happening now.
This is how it started. Working is a no no because that puts pressure on my heart. Well, I will be pissed if I die in the gym, not the way I want to go but I'm not going to stop working out. I'm way to close to Ruby size to just sit here. Next I needed to pay more attention to what I eat and be heart healthy! Then what pushed me over the edge was this, TAKE ONE A DAY and we will see how this works. In two weeks you need to come back for a complete physical to determine what exactly we need to do, but we're going to get this taken care of. Do you know what that kind of conversation does to a 30 year old person that feels way to young to be dealing with this?
I get home, read up on what the doctor gave me since she only gave me samples and didn't discuss it with me. No I don't like her, but I will see this through. I take my meds, fought back a tear because as the pill slide down my throat, so did my youth. Then dinner came, I logged all my food intake for the day, the calories and all that crap. Then I measured out my food and used a saucer plate for dinner.
It really sucked to have to do this. Hell it makes me want to crawl in a hole now and cry. However if I want to live past 40 I guess it's something I need to do. It's easy to change when you know it could literally kill you if you don't. Yes I'm probably being a little over dramatical with this, but the truth is, I'm not has healthy as I thought I was. Now I have to do something if I want to be around for a long time. Tomorrow isn't promised! So...

Good bye youth!


  1. Hey at least you just think you heard you're going to die. I really did my last doctor visit, lose weight and quit smoking or I will be checking out before 45 or 50. It's actually pretty sobering, at least until I find the bottle.

  2. Oh Matt, you are still a youngin! And I have to say that b/c I'm not that far behind you and I refuse to admit that I'm old!
