Monday, December 7, 2009

Spinning your wheels

I'm pretty sure that everyone has felt this way once or twice in their life. Where you feel like you're in a movie. You're standing in a busy plaza and you're standing still right in the middle. The camera is going in circles around you and you're in slow motion but everything around you is going super fast. I know you have. Belinda and I have had several, about once or twice a year, conversations about this and what it's supposed to mean. When you're at this point in life, is this fate turning around to waiting for you to pick which road you're going to go down? Is this fate just playing jokes on you. Or is there a higher power pulling you some where?
I believe we're all here to do something great. That greatness might just be a simple smile that is glued to your face, and you're "great" job is just to make one person a day smile. After all, it only takes one smile to turn some one's life completely around. Are you that person? Is your "great" supposed to be saving people's life. Has everything you have done in your life lead you to a career or a path where you're saving people left and right. Maybe be a writer, a teacher, the president of some company or the USA. What is your "great", what happens if you missed that greatness you were supposed to do. Deep down you know there is something in you that is great. You feel it in every bone and fiber in your body, but you know without a doubt that you're not doing what you're supposed to be. Is that impasse you're at your time to decided if you're going to follow your great path? What if you don't know what your greatness is, how do you choose what path you go down.
So instead of finding out what you're supposed to be doing with your life, you stand still. What if you just keep walking and fate gets tired of stopping you, do you lose that greatness you were supposed to be doing. Can you get to old to achieve your greatness? Why are we really here?
Lately this is what has been going through my head. I'm stuck in the middle of the plaza and I see everyone speeding off on their daily deeds. Am I unhappy with anything, God no. I'm very happy with my family, career is ok (who really loves their job all the time), my life is good. But just out of reach is my greatness.

Fate hates me...haha. I do wish there was a book that knew everything you were going to do in life and you got to sneak a peak at it at least three times in life just make sure you were on the right path. But then again, what is the right path?

1 comment:

  1. That is some deep shit! But I know exactly how you feel.
