Monday, December 14, 2009

A Gift

During the holiday season we all become very thankful for what we have. This is what we're taught from the every early ages of childhood. After a while though, it kind of loses it's luster. Deep down we are thankful and feel very blessed, but on the outside their just words we say in a minute of conversation and we go on about our business. We say we're bless with a roof over our head but bitch about the condition of the house. We say we're blessed about having a vehicle but bitch about something that is wrong about our car. We all say we're blessed and thankful for something but then we bitch about that same thing. This weekend however, I really got to see what it's like to either not have much or not have anything at all. That really puts into prospective how blessed I am.
Yesterday, Christine, Brian, and myself volunteered with the HEB feast of sharing (I believe that's what it was called). At first I really wanted to find a way to back out of it because I just wanted to be lazy Sunday. Brian and I had gone out Saturday night and had fun, got home late so Sunday was a day for rest. I can actually say that I'm glad I didn't miss this. This event was open to all of Houston, but really centered on feeding the homeless and those that might not have enough to feed their entire family.
We get to the United way, get signed in, and get our T-shirts. Then we got loaded onto the bus and taken downtown to the George R Brown convention center. I job was guest advocates. All we had to do was walk around and greet people. tell them where things were and make sure the guest were taken care of. To speed through the story, here is what I saw when our guest were sitting down.
I got to thinking about what if I was homeless, how would I feel about seeing people better off than myself smiling at me while I walk in to get a free meal because I don't know when I will eat again. I kind of figured I would be a little put off but I was completely wrong. These people came in what pretty much all they had, be it a back pack or a bag dragging on the floor of clothes. I realized then, that I should be really be thankful that I had a closet for my clothes. That I had the means to wash my clothes every Sunday. These people walked in past me and were smiling, telling me Marry Christmas, thanking me for what I was doing. Granted I wasn't expecting a thank you, that's not why you do charity, but it was a heart felt from someone that that was all they were able to give me. It was probably the best gift I will get this Christmas.
After people were sitting down eating, I would walk up and down the isles asking if everyone had enough, if they needed extra napkins, or if they needed anything else. It's hard to put into words what I saw looking at these people's faces. If it was a family with kids, the parents had a look of relief because their kids were getting a good warm meal. It was relief that they didn't have to worry about if their kids would have enough to eat. There were several times I had to choke back a tear because it was peaceful to see a family not worry about food for one meal. To be a part of that. The look on the homeless man's face when he had eaten himself into a near food induced coma. It was the face you and I make every time we over eat because we have the money and the means to do that. I won't bitch that much about my weight anymore, it just means that I'm well feed and I don't worry about not eating. It broke my heart when one homeless man asked if he would have another plate because he was still hungry.
Yesterday I got to be a part of something that was very touching. Yesterday I got to watch the stress and worry fade away from people that have to deal with more stress and worry than I ever will. To watch a mom's face be happy because she doesn't have to worry if her kids got enough food to eat. Our world, our personal world revolves around money. If you have it then you're better off than most, but I learn, which I always knew, that there is something more important that money. The most important thing I can ever give is my time.
I'm thankful for a lot of things. I'm blessed to have a lot of things. Right now, I'm thankful and blessed that I still have time on this early to make someone's day better for just a little while.

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