Monday, January 11, 2010

Lazy people!!!

Lazy are starting to piss me off. I'm not talking about the "I have worked all week, so I'm going to lay around want relax this weekend lazy" I'm not talking about the "I really don't want to do the laundry tonight, wear something that doesn't smell that bad tomorrow" kind of lazy. I'm talking about the lazy ass people that will wait for someone to stop using something they need, when there are more of those things available. Here is what happened this morning and I really don't care for this person anyways. So this person is making their breakfast but needs the microwave. There are 4 microwaves in the break room. Another person was using the microwave closest to the the sink and coffee makers. A few feet away is three more microwaves. I kid you not if this lazy ass person sets her food down next the microwave that someone is using to wait to use that same microwave. Are you effin kidding me! Take your fat ass and walk the extra few steps to the next 3 microwaves. That oatmeal you're eating coupled with the walking you would have to do to the other 3 would probably help you lose more of that fat ass. You know that fat ass you're trying to lose so you're eating oatmeal everyday!

Seriously, you will sit there for 3 minutes waiting when you could have walked over, used the next microwave in the same amount of time, and been out of my damn way. Instead, you stand there in my way while I'm to get my morning coffee talking about something stupid I'm sure. Probably about how eating oatmeal is really making you healthy. News flash fat ass, if you're just eating oatmeal, it's not doing THAT much to make you healthy. Now if you had said that AFTER walking to the next microwave, I wouldn't have had to blog about you're lazy ass.

People, go the extra mile or feet to do something. Those extra steps could be all it takes to fitting into those pair of jeans you haven't worn since high school. Ok that might be a stretch! How about this, just do it so I don't have to blog about your lazy ass! HA happy Monday morning!

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