Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's been a while

Man I have missed blogging but I don't have a lot of free time at work now days. I know I can't surf and play all day like I used to. Now I just work an ass load of over time and stay busy from the time I clock in until the time I clock out. Stupid ok paying job. I really don't have much to talk about today. No really I don't. There have been many times that I have said "remember this so you can blog it" and then I just forget it. Maybe I will try and start blogging first thing in the morning when I get up. I still get up my normal time around 6:30 in the morning, even though I don't have to be at work until 8. I get up, play around on the computer, I actually do a light workout, I KNOW YEA ME, and I guess I could add blogging. I just hope I can remember stuff that early in the morning. Ok well it's getting close to clock in time. I'm already drinking my coffee so when I hit "punchin" I can hit the ground full speed. Well if anyone is still reading my blogs, drop me a note. I love hearing from my reads, all 4 of them.

Peace love and drugs!


  1. I'm still here. Keep a little notebook in your pocket. Make notes throughout the day:-)

  2. Do what I do, its not blog related, but it's kinda what Danielle said. I am im the same boat now with my job so if someone mentions something I want to look up or something pops in my head to write about I keep wordpad open all day and just type little notes in there when I need to. At the end of the day I just print it out and put it in my pocket.
