Friday, May 7, 2010

80th post

I really don't have much to talk about right now, but I feel like I'm losing my readers. HA who am I kidding, I don't have that many readers. I guess I could talk about how people are being dickheads to my team and manager just because we're making mistakes. Yeah I can understand that mistakes are going to be made your first week of doing the job. I mean after all that's just natural. The second week, you should be well on your way to being an expert on the subject, minimal mistakes. The Third week, holy shit if you make a mistake. There will be meetings to set up more meetings to talk about the mistakes your team has been making. By you're third week, your team should be running like a well oiled sex machine. No really this is actually happening on my team. Yesterday I made the mistake of following the rules and it turned out that I didn't need to, but because I did it was a HUGE problem.

Here's what happened -- short version. I emailed the VP of IT services to get approval on something. The information I was looking at was flagged for his approval. Only to find out later in the day that I didn't need his approval. So because of that, because I emailed him for approval I had my manager and a trainer asking me why I did that. It seems that he was pissed off that I bothered him and sent a hell storm of emails out about not following policy...when policy clearly stated I needed to go to him. Either way I was screwed, if I didn't do it and needed the approval I would have gotten my ass jumped...

Yesterday was my mistake, but it seems like my team has been emailing the wrong people for approvals. We have only been doing this for about 4 weeks now, so we're still trying to figure things out. I don't know about any of you, but when I get emails that are meant for someone, it pisses me off. I can't stand it. It's so hard, I mean, damn near impossible to either delete the email or respond back with...sorry wrong person, you need so and so. That causes me to loose about 2 minutes of my effing work day that I will NEVER GET BACK! So because of that, I'm going to rip you a new asshole so you learn from your mistake.

Wow I guess I did have more to say. Ok I promise my next post will be full of jokes and I will return to my witty remarks. Hey it's Friday...

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