Friday, October 9, 2009

The daily ghetto embrace

For some of you that don't know, my office is nothing but a bunch of ghetto ass, baby momma/daddy drama and a constant game of guess how the baby daddy is. I think I'm in 3 active pools right now. The only bad thing is you have to wait so long for the pay out! I'm pretty used to the ghettoness that is my job, but everyday at the same time two grown ass idiot women come to work. They both start at 7 and by 7:02 they have carried on a full 3 hour conversation of "girl please" or "Let me tell you" and various other slang. What's amazing to me is neither really say anything other than one of them just burped like she was alone, that's class...oh and another...anyways...HOLY HELL IT STINKS. Ok so back to what I was saying, their entire conversation is nothing but slang and when they're done they both know what the hell each other said...SHE SOUNDS LIKE A DAMN HORSE BURPING. If only I could a picture of the ghetto horse girl burping.
So horse girl, she is this large black women that believes everyone wants to hear her opinion on everything and that she must speak her mind about anything. Usually when she speaks, she just shows off out much of an idiot she really is. She has made several references about a list she is keep about what people do around because favoritism is all over the place on our team. She is also the type of person that if you say something to shut the hell up ghetto horse bitch, she would take you HR before you had time to take your next breathe. So it's best to just deal with it and move on. She is all about the race card and for some damn reason, since I'm a white guy I will lose to the black matter what.

Now that I have reached my hypocrite status for the day, I write this for pure entertainment. If I can a picture I will post it on here.

Walgreen update, they did mess up and counted wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad for you, b/c the evil side in me would have already gotten myself fired. I hate people like that!
