Friday, January 7, 2011

Gym rules set forth by ME

Please consider this a PSA announcement...

I'm all for people getting in the gym and working out for their new years resolutions...BUT there are rules! It's kinda like darwins law "survival of the fittest" if you have just started going to the gym, you're not fit. Therefore you are at the bottom of the gym chain. Now I'm not mister ripped muscle gym god, but I spend at least an hour a day in the gym. So I think I have the right to set these rules!

If you feel like your ass looks like two Christmas hams fighting over a fork, then yes you need to be in the gym. But here are the rules.

1. Mostly for the ladies - this is not tea time ladies. If you want to play catch up with your friends, call from your desk when you're working. We are in the gym to sweat and bust out ass not our mouth.
2. If you just started going to the gym and you are on a machine that you see a regular gym member waiting on, get off and let them have it. You can continue your work out later. Seriously, your fucking up my workout...MOVE!
3. If you can't change into proper workout clothing, please remove yourself from the gym. You're wasting your time and mine. The only way to really get a good workout is when you're sweating your balls off

People please obey my new rules or stay out of the gym. I don't want to have to tell you again!

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