Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"just meeting for a beer or two"...

I'm old enough to know better than to think that I can meet up with friends, while in a good mood, when life is going great, and think I'm going to be able to go to a bar for a beer or two. Really, look who is writing this blog. Actually, let me back up to the start of the day. Me and a buddy go to an Astro's game, we start drinking at noon. 6 beers during the game, remember just getting started. Fast forward a couple of hours and BOOM at the bar. 2 in the morning rolls around, and we're 1 beer and 6.5pitchers into the night. THAT SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED NORMAL FOR ME!!!! What is my love for beer. Why do I feel like we're best friends and when we hang out I don't want to stop. Yes we have had alot of good times, and if it weren't for pictures, I would not remember half of the good memories I have made.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I love my friends Bud Light and Coors Light too! Fun times!
