Monday, January 17, 2011

What a week

Last week sucked balls, sucked balls bad. First the family got the call to come home, my grandmothers health of going down. The next day she passed away. I was kind of ready for it. It had been a long battle with cancer and we had two extra years with a great lady. So all in all I can't be all that sad. What I wasn't ready or prepared for was the after effects of it. When the house was quiet. When everything had been turned off and it was time to go home. Normally my grandmothers house always has noise, a tv in the background, her yelling at me for not doing something I should have, or some other noise. Sunday there was none of that. I wasn't prepared for the flood of memories that would come rushing back to me. I grew up in the same house so there were 32 years of great memories. So it was kind of hard to lock the doors and leave. So that takes me up to Sunday morning.

The drive home!!!!
Im driving back to Houston and its raining as I'm driving down I-45. This guy is driving like a bat out of hell right. After trying to pass me and a few other cars, I finally listen to that voice in my head that has been telling me to let him pass. So I finally let him get in front of me and we all are passing an 18 wheeler. As soon as the truck passes the 18 wheeler, he darts into the right lane and manages to take out four other cars with him. I remember seeing his truck pushing the car he hit into the left left lane causing that car to hit another car. Now I'm watching this and thinking I have to get into the right lane to avoid slamming into everyone. I lock the brakes up and move into the right lane. That's when shit just falls apart. The truck that caused this was still in the right lane and I had cut the 18 wheeler off so I was about to get sandwiched in between them so I whip my truch into the ditch, about 10 feet from where the truck that started this had stopped. Well I was going to fast to stop and continued down the ditch about 20 good yards from the highway. So I guess I had someone up stairs watching out for me cause it could have ended badly


  1. shit, dude. That is terrible. I'm so sorry you lost Grandma. Knowing it's coming doesn't mean it will be easy. I wish I was there to hug you.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss.
