Monday, January 3, 2011

My liver is glad new years is over

Oh dear god, I am getting to old to party that hard for new years. The drinking started Thursday night and ended some time in the wee morning hours Saturday morning. Now don't get me wrong, I will still tie one on like I was 21, it just takes me a few days to recover. I wish I had some cool story to tell but it was pretty tame.

So now that I have some what recovered, I started thinking about what I wanted to make 2011. We were watching Mantracker on discovery science yesterday and it gave me an idea. Well actually it made me want to be on the show. So that is one thing that I'm going to try to do this year. But overall I want this year to be the year of the adventure. It doesn't have to cost money or anything like that, I just want to do something and be active and do things that will take me out of my comfort circle. We shall see how this turns out. So for the new year, Im going to blog more, keep up with a journal, and get back to a project I have left sitting for months now. Plus I'm going to try and control my road rage, and not get so damn made at these stupid drivers. Hey I said I was going to TRY!!!

Other than that, I think this is going to be a good year. What are some of your plans for this year?

Ok time for work...peace out my one anon. Reader!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to try for the same - actions outside of my comfort zone. I would like to model my life after you. Peace out to you too.
