Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Monday Monday

Oh Monday Monday, how I hate thee. You always come around when no wants you. The only good thing is once we get past you, we're one more day closer to Saturday. Saturdays are our BFF of weekdays. We're all cool with Friday, but sometimes Friday can be shady a little. You know those Friday's you're busy as hell at work...yeah Saturdays don't do that to ya.

This weekend rocked, got to see a lot of friends I haven't seen in a while. Attended my first baby shower. WAY TO MUCH ESTROGEN! I spent the rest of the weekend burping and farting, trying to get my man card back. All in all, it wasn't bad. Then the rest of the time hung out with Be. Always a good time.

I'm kind of sad that we haven't done the P90X in three days. Also, I'm really sad that tonight is push up and pull up night. Girl push ups, here I come!! Oh and it's Ab Ripper...I am kind of excited about this. I did much better the last time on my sit ups. So I am looking forward to this.

Ok I'm about to go spend 2 weeks in training hell. I'm so so not excited about any of this!

1 comment:

  1. Amen on Monday's! I debated just sleeping through the day yesterday, but then I came to my senses and realized my boss would not be cool with that. I'm so glad you made it down to my baby shower! I love you and Brian!
