Monday, January 18, 2010

Pissed part 2

Ok so I have had time to think, to actually go run and get some of that anger out but it didn't really help. The more I think about it and the bull shit excuse, the more mad I get. I hope there is a better reason for not getting the position other than "to laid back". I hope there is something that I lack or I'm weak in an area that I can improve on. That way I could be like "oh ok" and move on. That's something I can change, if it's an area where I'm weak or unskilled, I can do something about that. But it's just because I'm to fucking laid back...I'm going to go ape shit on these people. I'm sorry if I don't want to fun around here with a stick up my ass. calm down matt Surely there is another reason...cause the laid back is a trait that I enjoy having. Sorry I don't get that stressed out over things, doesn't mean that because I don't, I don't get the job done. Sorry if I stay calm or laugh a lot or crack jokes, doesn't mean that I goof off. I'm just trying to make everyone have some kind of fun in this stupid ass job that sucks, that doesn't know what CUSTOMER SERVICE IS...even thought that's what we're supposed to be doing. This company sucks, but I try and laugh and make others laugh so it's not such a chore to come into this rats nest of an office...doesn't mean that I goof off. I wonder if there are any competitors here in houston that is hiring. What a big F U to Ikon if I did jump ship...after they trained me for five years. The knowledge about how they treat customer would probably benefit someone else. Why isn't this rant and raving making me feel better? What's sad is the feed back is coming from people that I thought were friends. Not like BFFs or anything like that, but just friends and that's what really hurts! 4 o'clock isn't going to get here fast enough!

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