Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guys can PMS!!!

I really don't know why, but I'm in a foul ass mood today. Almost to the point where I want to chew some one's head off just for being alive. There is a sign that was just hung this morning that I can see and it pisses me off. I really have issues today. I'm not sure what the issue is, but man I need to do something to get this anger out. I have to keep my head phones on so I don't go off on the two stupid ghetto ass women that sit next to me that don't know how to professional, that means, no talking with your mouth full of food, no popping your damn gum, no smacking on candy that you put in your mouth, and doing something about that damn clearing of your throat. I think both of them need a good bitch slap. I think I have issues, nope actually I know I have issues. You know another thing that is eating my ass up right now, people bitching and complaining about weight and that includes myself. It's a personal struggle between you and your belly, not you and everyone else that you think gives a rats ass. Secrets out, no one does. What I really enjoy is listening to people bitch about their weight but do nothing about it. Well that might be the reason. What's sad is I feel this and yet I'm just as guilty, guilty to the point I have named my fat Bob...aka big ol' belly!!!! So yeah today isn't a good one, I have PMS aka Piss Male Syndrome!

1 comment:

  1. Oh crap! Hide the women and children! And put out a ATB! Smile hon, the day is half way done!
