Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guys can PMS!!!

I really don't know why, but I'm in a foul ass mood today. Almost to the point where I want to chew some one's head off just for being alive. There is a sign that was just hung this morning that I can see and it pisses me off. I really have issues today. I'm not sure what the issue is, but man I need to do something to get this anger out. I have to keep my head phones on so I don't go off on the two stupid ghetto ass women that sit next to me that don't know how to professional, that means, no talking with your mouth full of food, no popping your damn gum, no smacking on candy that you put in your mouth, and doing something about that damn clearing of your throat. I think both of them need a good bitch slap. I think I have issues, nope actually I know I have issues. You know another thing that is eating my ass up right now, people bitching and complaining about weight and that includes myself. It's a personal struggle between you and your belly, not you and everyone else that you think gives a rats ass. Secrets out, no one does. What I really enjoy is listening to people bitch about their weight but do nothing about it. Well that might be the reason. What's sad is I feel this and yet I'm just as guilty, guilty to the point I have named my fat Bob...aka big ol' belly!!!! So yeah today isn't a good one, I have PMS aka Piss Male Syndrome!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Monday morning blues

Monday's suck. Enough said. Really that could be my entire blog today. This weekend rocked, hung out with the fam. Walking my ass off at renfest, actually over did it on the walking. The knee wasn't up for it that soon, but I'm a trooper and the pain pills helped. Renfest rocked, actaully it was just hanging out with my mom and drinking. Sunday however wasn't so much fun. Yeah the over walking part caught up to me and the pain meds weren't getting the job done. However after flipping back and forth on if I should get out and go to the movies, I decided to go. Went and say Paranormal Activity. It's a movie about ghost. I went and saw it with two other friends. One friend is just as big of a chickshit as I am. How was she going to protect me if something happened. Then our other friend, yeah well he said he wasn't going to protect us at all. Great, now we're going to die from our own imagination. What a way to die! I don't know about anyone else but I have profected the perfect defense for when I'm attacked. It's called the Pink Flamingo defense. Basically you stand on one leg while bringing the other knee to your chest. Then you pretty much roll into a ball while standing on one leg. It's perfect defense. Which leads me to Monday morning. I have all the feelings of a hangover but none of the fun from last night. My leg still hurts, my head hurts, and I don't want to do deal with Ghetto ass people that smell like chicken. At least I get to have lunch with my Sadie girl today.

Peace out...

Friday, October 9, 2009

The daily ghetto embrace

For some of you that don't know, my office is nothing but a bunch of ghetto ass, baby momma/daddy drama and a constant game of guess how the baby daddy is. I think I'm in 3 active pools right now. The only bad thing is you have to wait so long for the pay out! I'm pretty used to the ghettoness that is my job, but everyday at the same time two grown ass idiot women come to work. They both start at 7 and by 7:02 they have carried on a full 3 hour conversation of "girl please" or "Let me tell you" and various other slang. What's amazing to me is neither really say anything other than one of them just burped like she was alone, that's class...oh and another...anyways...HOLY HELL IT STINKS. Ok so back to what I was saying, their entire conversation is nothing but slang and when they're done they both know what the hell each other said...SHE SOUNDS LIKE A DAMN HORSE BURPING. If only I could a picture of the ghetto horse girl burping.
So horse girl, she is this large black women that believes everyone wants to hear her opinion on everything and that she must speak her mind about anything. Usually when she speaks, she just shows off out much of an idiot she really is. She has made several references about a list she is keep about what people do around because favoritism is all over the place on our team. She is also the type of person that if you say something to shut the hell up ghetto horse bitch, she would take you HR before you had time to take your next breathe. So it's best to just deal with it and move on. She is all about the race card and for some damn reason, since I'm a white guy I will lose to the black matter what.

Now that I have reached my hypocrite status for the day, I write this for pure entertainment. If I can a picture I will post it on here.

Walgreen update, they did mess up and counted wrong.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Evil Walgreens

I think there is about to be World War 3. Me vs Walgreen Pharmacy. Sadly though I feel like I'm already on the losing end of this battle. Yesterday my knee doc gives me a prescription for lortab, aka Vicoden. So I get home, not really thinking about anything except for the fact that I'm no longer on crutches. I'm getting ready for bed and getting my stuff ready for work and usually when I have to take meds I will get out what I need so that I don't have to take the entire bottle with me to work. Well I got to looking at my vicoden and thought that something was off. For having a qty of 40 the bottle was really empty, and by now I was only up to two. Granted this was at like 10:30 at night. So I counted and sure as sh*t, I was missing 8 pills. So that set me on fire. Ask anyone that has ever had knee problems or anyone that has known me. When my knee gets to hurting it hurts. I know people make mistakes in counting, but with how abused vicoden is, I doubt that I'm going to see my 8 little friends that are missing. However, the point of the matter is, the pharmacy at walgreens messed up. It will come out to my word against theirs. But let me tell you, if I'm not happy when this is all said and done, someone is going to have a very bad day. I fully plan on filling complaints with Walgreen's corp office, The Pharmacy Board of Texas (if that's the right place) and my insurance. The pharmacy is still going to charge my insurance 40 pills. Then again, I could be expecting the worse, and when I call them and discuss this, I get a happy ending. I need a new pharmacy. For now, I'm getting my war armor on. If the battle starts taking a turn for the worse I might have to get others involved. We're taking down the evil vicoden thief...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oct 1

Today marks the start of the greatest time in anyone's life...THE HOLIDAY SEASON. I'm not sure if today is the offical kick off day for the holidays but I like to think it is. Today I downloaded some Happy Halloween wallpapers for my computer at work. I will change them out once a week. Then I will find something for Thanksgiving and then for Christmas. It helps set the tone for the season.
October, I like to think this is scary month. It's when all the great shows like Charlie Brown and the Pumkin patch and Hocus Pocus come on. It's also the time when it's OK for grown ass people to stop and watch a halloween special on Disney. There are some good one, I suggest watching them. There is also a new show coming about with the cast and crew of Monster vs. Alian Pumkins. It should be an instant classic!!! Plus there are the old 80's slasher flicks that come on. You know the movies that scared the hell out of you when you were 8 but now you just laugh at it thinking "what the hell was I scared of". Then it gets to that ONE spot and you still jump and feel like a dumbass because you knew it was coming. Ah the good times. My favorite is Nightmare on Elm Street. My mom and I LOVE some Freddy. In fact, one of the greatest times I ever had with my mom was the day we watched all the Nightmare movies. Then she would rake her hand down the wall acting like she was Freddy. That will be a memory I charis for the rest of my life. It was so great, in fact for Christmas or her birthday one year I bought her the entire movie set. So thanks mom, I know you read this from time to time, for that wonderful day.
Focusing back on the great shows that come on, sadie said that I have a hard time focusing on stuff. There are those good stories that really do scare the hell out of you. Like the one about the little girl that can see dead people. It's on every year on the discovery channel, and all the other channels that have the real ghost storys of Atlanta.
The point being is, Halloween is one of the greatest times of the year. It's time to get scared, eat some candy, dress up and have a great time.